Version 2 - adapted upon user Feedback ------------------- 1.) Login You need your administrator ID and PW to login under choose "Admin Tools" (top on right) and then Links@Ovid OR LinkSolver(TM) choose your group ------------------- 2.) Search existing Link target Type in the search box named Find Link Target: "Document" and then press "go". You should find an existing link target named "Document Request (Email based)". ------------------- 3.) Rename Choose on the right side the first Icon "Copy within group". Rename Link Target Name: Doctor-Doc Description: whatever you like Coverage: all years (never mind) Save Changes ------------------- 4.) Site Details Choose "Site Details" and fill in Site name: Order this document at your library (whatever you like) Description: Fulltext-Service (whatever you like) Link Label: Order this document at your library (whatever you like) Save Changes ------------------- 5.) Link Target Choose "Link URL Template" and fill in / replace Be sure there are no breaks in this string! Do write between group= and the &-sign the name of your Ovid-Group (have a look a the upper left under "your current group name"). Should look like Save Changes ------------------- 6.) Activate your new Link Target Choose "Browse Link Targets" and do activate your new Link-Target Doctor-Doc. Your done! Give it a couple of minutes, login to the normal Ovid-Gateway, do a search and try the link "Document Delivery"...